The whole world is as yet engaging with the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has contaminated more than 17 million people while claiming the life of 38 lakhs all over the world. Since its inception and the subsequent lockdown to tackle the virus led to a lot of devastation, impacting the social, economic, and cultural dynamics all around the globe. The pandemic affected all parts of our lives; instruction being one of them. The education sector saw a drastic change, as they were left with no choice but to adapt online provisioning to ensure the continuity of teaching and learning (T&L). Though some universities swiftly moved towards digitization, many were not able to meet the expectations and found significant difficulties in moving towards online education due to a lack of infrastructure, resources, and quality of assurance. 260In this chapter, we are mainly going to discuss about the impact of a pandemic on higher education globally, challenges faced by different parts of the world, Teaching learning processes adapted by different countries, trends in digital education, challenges, and ways ahead.