The chapter “Critical Impact and Novel Synergies on Global Higher Education Learnings During COVID-19 Pandemic” highlights the vital impact of COVID-19 pandemic on higher education globally and how the Academia, Institutions and Educational Fraternity geared up together to face the unprecedented challenges in disrupted times. Novel teaching pedagogy fuelled by digital integrations was adopted to bridge the learning losses of the young igniting minds. The pandemic totally disrupted and transformed the way education was perceived and imparted earlier as far as teaching and research is concerned. It also highlighted on an ethical, moralistic, and humane touch towards the educational eco system which became more flexible and holistic as per the grave emergency. A balance was streamlined 274to cover the most remote, vulnerable, and deprived learner. The chapter covers the comprehensive educational volatile perspective and global economic challenges faced during the pandemic. It tries to map the same with intriguing data analysis and further implies measures and guidelines for road to cautious and swift recovery. The chapter also evaluates the new trends in the novel education pedagogy adapted for mitigating the lacunas during the times of educational disruptions. It also inclusively covers interesting global world consultancy reports and suggestions and for maintaining parity among the most deprived learners, and simultaneously recommends higher education solutions to balance cash flow management skills and practices during the crisis.