Electric Vehicles (EVs) as a potential solution for alleviating traffic-related environmental problems have been investigated and studied extensively. Because they offer a cleaner and more effective substitute for gasoline-powered cars, electric vehicles are significant. Since the 2000s, electric vehicles have rapidly increased in popularity. In addition, electric vehicles are becoming more widely available and affordable, making them a powerful force in the transportation sector. As the world is alarmed by pollution and environment-related issues, EVs with zero emissions should be considered as a boon. The transportation sector will get electrified in upcoming decades as per the recent scenario of EVs in the world. Modern HEVs make use of efficiency-improving technologies such as regenerative brakes which convert the vehicle's kinetic energy to electric energy, which is stored in a battery or supercapacitor. The extended-range electric vehicle (E-REV) is essentially an all-electric vehicle, with an electric motor providing all motive power and a tiny internal combustion engine (ICE) providing additional electric power.