In order to adapt to the trend of China's energy development and coordinate the relationship between energy security and low-carbon transition, integrated energy system services came into being. Integrated energy system service provides users with cold, heat, electricity, and gas comprehensive service with high system comprehensive energy efficiency through coordinated optimization and integration of resources and technologies so that various energy forms in the system interact with each other and form unique functions of the system as a whole (Cheng 2017). However, there are still many problems to be solved in the evaluation of energy efficiency of the comprehensive energy system in China: there is no clear energy efficiency evaluation system; there is a lack of understanding of energy evaluation; the development of energy efficiency requires a large amount of investment in energy efficiency improvement, which affects the economic benefit target (Hu 2018). Scenarios based on this, this article selects industrial park energy system, the selection of indicators and build the model, evaluation of energy efficiency of industrial park construction scheme, by building an integrated consideration of electricity, gas, cold and hot pluripotent complementary arrangement in use, and through the energy production, transportation, consumption, storage of evaluation system, so as to realize the comprehensive efficiency of scientific evaluation to the entire society. Thus, we can adjust the energy use structure of enterprises, create a new growth pole of the company, improve energy use efficiency, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and improve the overall energy efficiency level of the society.