In today's world, having a fast-growing population with a wide range of demands, shopping for different products in the supermarkets demands a lot of time and patience from the customers in coordinating themselves for a successful shopping outcome. We need to address this problem by efficiently using our technologies. Hence, this product Smart Shopping Cart (SSC) is being proposed by our team to streamline the shopping experience of the customers. Currently technologies like this are rare in the market and this is our attempt at making this technology more feasible and attractive while also cutting the cost. Our model of Smart Shopping Cart system uses RFID (Radio frequency Identification) to detect the products put inside the cart. It also uses a weight sensor which helps in detecting any anomalies during the shopping. It then sends the scanned products data to the Realtime Database which is further fetched and shown in the user interface. Our proposed system will also have various functions which will assist the customers during shopping like cart to communication, automatic shopping list and various other functions which can be provided to the customer by using the mobile interface.