The far-flung and omnipresence of internet technologies, extensive connectivity and big data management has brought in a paradigm shift in every domain and day-to-day life. This is an extraordinary humanoid development, enabled by revolutionary technology advancement amalgamating technical, physical and biological worlds. This is generally recognized as the fourth industrial revolution, the first of which began in the eighteenth century.

Here is a quick gist of the other ages:

Industry 1.0: The primeval eighteenth-century revolution – Steam engines and mechanization happened in this century.

Industry 2.0: The genesis of mass production and use of electricity – The era of early twentieth century

Industry 3.0: The advent of computers, applications and the internet

The fourth industrial revolution brought in interconnections, seamless integration data management and information exchange in different domains. This includes the Internet of Things, the cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, cognitive computing, machine learning and augmented/virtual reality.

The IoT is a broader umbrella which encompasses the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). This is an industrial context of use, where smart technology (sensors, actuators and embedded chips), data collection/storage and processing and cloud-based data exchange and analytics are applied, which aids in monitoring and maintaining an industrial set up. The IIoT facilitates better functioning of a factory with smooth, seamless and less error-prone secure technologies.

In the medical field, Industry 4.0 technology advancement has brought in smart factory floor in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, devices and equipment manufacturing. Smart and managed healthcare with novel smart devices has brought in enhanced patient centricity and patient treatment adherence.