Blockchain application is currently recommended in all financial and non-financial services fields. The decentralized infrastructure and peerto-peer nature of blockchain make users interested in applying in all fields to avoid repudiation. The properties of blockchain, like decentralization, persistency, audibility, and anonymity, make blockchain broader acceptance in industries, health sectors, supply chains, and other sectors. The blockchain helps to store information, perform transaction execution functions, and create trust in an open environment. This research performs the analysis of blockchain in several aspects, like its history, generations, stack organization, architecture construction, storage structure, and the principle of working. Then, the research analysis is carried out in blockchain categories and their main components constituting blockchain. The security threat related to blockchain is analyzed in a deep manner. 124Finally, the application of blockchain in several aspects is discussed. This research makes readers understand blockchain in concepts, system arrangement, security handling, and its use cases in multiple fields.