The world has experienced a lot of change during the last two decades, economically and in terms of human health and food security. The locust swarm severely affected major croplands in Africa, Asia, and Australia while COVID-19 pandemic affected the world economically, financially, emotionally, and medically eventually dramatically. These events were pushed 50 million more families toward below the poverty line. But the 218Locust swarm is happening almost now in every year which has the potential threat to affect agriculture badly and ultimately food security in all over the world. Each normal swarm could include as many as 1.5 billion grasshoppers each km2 and, therefore, can travel up to 150 km in a single day. Just a little locust flock from 1 km2 may consume the same quantity of food as 35,000 humans in a single day. These circumstances when joined with COVID-19, the damage to humans was beyond countries’ boundaries and economy. It is the need of the time, to explain all these circumstances and events in detail for the better understanding of measures, controls, and management strategies to overcome farmers’ losses and to ensure food security. This chapter covers the major losses of COVID-19 on agriculture and locust swarm in Asia, Africa, and Australia.