The COmmunications, NAvigation, SENsing and related Services (CONASENSE) mission includes helping the development of innovative technologies for mid- to far-terms. The Quality of Life (QoL) is believed to be improved when human beings can choose freely between sufficiently many user-friendly CONASENSE services which do not compromise the user-privacy. QoL improvement can be fastened via multi-disciplinary academic and applied research, which requires international institutional cooperation and the presence of test laboratories with state-of-the-art test and measurement equipment. Energy harvesting may enable the widespread use of the nanotechnology. In addition to energy harvesting, the energy problem may be alleviated by using cognitive approaches and distributed and cooperative data processing among communication and sensor nodes. Sensing and monitoring volatile organic compounds, atmospheric pollution, hazardous gases, chemicals and explosives may be cited among the applications for security and environmental protection. In e-health systems, the patients or sensing systems may update their data in real time through Internet.