This chapter presents a set of protocols and technology for maximizing efficiency and sustainability of Internet of Things (IoT) deployments through a resolution infrastructure called “digcovery”, this resolution infrastructure has been developed in the context of the IoT6 EU Project. Semantic Sensor Network (SSN) is an ontology for describing sensors and sensor networks developed in an OWL-DL language. The SSN ontology is able to specify the capabilities of sensors, the measurement processes and the resultant observations. The services enabling access to underlying devices capabilities in a semantic service-oriented middleware, are semantically annotated and such annotations are registered in a semantic registry. Digcovery architecture presents as different technologies involved in the Internet of Things such as Smart Objects, RFID tags, and legacy devices are integrated into different digrectories. Digcovery has integrated MongoDB with some extensions based on geo-location, application profiles and domains, in order to make it feasible the context awareness look-up.