The plasmodium phase of Physarum polycephalum is very well known for being a master amongst living creatures for defining prototypes of future. Its ability to solve a wide range of computational geometry and logic problems can be observed by representing a problem’s data as a spatial configuration of nutrients and by subsequently allowing the slime mould to span the nutrients with its protoplasmic network. However, instead of providing the slime mould with established reference points, usually represented by oat-flakes placed on a surface of non-nutrient agar, we decided to conduct our investigation by trying and “confuse” the organism. In short, through such approach, aimed to explore in which way slime moulds’ intelligence could be implemented for reading and interpreting digital algorithms conceived by humans, which in certain cases are inspired by very behaviour of slime mould itself (i.e. swarm intelligence). The produced time-lapse video and the related graphical mapping offered chance to observe and to better understand slime mould’s behaviour.