This chapter introduces the ‘creature’ in the context of ‘digital architecture’: in an overview of the current state of the architectural and urban projects based on the slime mold, in digital theory with a glimpse into Physarum’s parallels to digitally networked multi(cyber)space. lt considers Physarum as liquid geometry computer – a cybernetic disruptive bio-architectural device. The rise of the slime mold around 2010 coincided with a global fascination and engagement – of architects, architectural scholars and students – in the generative design tools, such as the computer language processing or visual scripting in Grasshopper for Rhinoceros. The increase of researching slime mold, Physarum polycephalum, and its possibilities for architecture and urban design is reflected through an observable convergence of the fields research by making in the experimental computational architecture together with the unconventional computation, the network theory and the biological robotics.