The process of combining these sets from both the mother and father is referred to as recombination. The RNA copy form is called messenger RNA. At this point, removal of all the introns, and the splicing together of all the exons, modifies it. Messenger RNA is then transported out of the nucleus and into the “cellular soup,” or extracellular fluid. A molecular machine referred to as a ribosome, which is also made partly of RNA, moves along the messenger RNA, translating each three-letter codon, or sequence of base pairs. The complete body is primarily made up of proteins or its processes which are governed by proteins. Also, in essence, every protein is a translated gene. Proteins called enzymes catalyze the body's chemical reactions. Proteins are also responsible for switching genes on and off — stimulating or inhibiting their action — by physically attaching themselves to the promoters’ or enhancers’ regions near the start of the genes themselves.