Speech synthesis is the method of translating a text message into an analogous spoken message. A computer-based device that can translate text is known as a text-to-speech (TTS) synthesiser. In this chapter, a single TTS method has been discussed for generating speech in Indian languages, specifically Hindi. Text processing and speech generation usually involve two stages. In Java Swings, a graphical user interface for translating Hindi text to speech has been developed. There are a variety of languages spoken in India, but each one is the mother tongue of tens of millions of people. The languages and scripts are extremely dissimilar to one another. To a significant degree, the syntax and alphabet terms are identical. The concatenative synthesis technique is used in this chapter to present a TTS scheme. The text processing section must produce a phonemic unit series that corresponds to any input text. We’ll look at how to build a database and which methodologies have been used in past studies in this chapter.