5G wisdom is based on digital campus; the campus is under the effective use of 5G technology of Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, and other advanced information engineering that help carry out a full range of campus construction, promote scientific decision-making, and build open teaching environment, which aids all teachers and students provide a more convenient and comfortable place to live, work, and study (Zheng, Ma et al 2018). This article focuses mainly on college students’ online course management system, implementation technology selection, system requirements, database design, and more. It carries on the analysis of college students’ course selection management system based on B/S structure, which helps architecture in implementing development, convenient maintenance, and low cost, to achieve high efficiency and low-cost of development. The main functional modules of the system are student and teacher information management, user rights control, course management, classroom management, class management, course selection management, class withdrawal, and course selection statistics management. Students, teachers, and school administrators only need to click on the browser to access the system and carry out the corresponding course selection and system management and maintenance. Java programming language and popular frameworks, such as Spring Boot, Bootstrap, and some Ajax technologies, are selected to achieve smoothness in data interaction at the front and back-end of the system. With increasing penetration of the Internet, the birth of Internet+ ( Ballard 2018), which can be added to a large number, gradually adds to every bit of life; there is no doubt that education has always been a challenge across the world.