The entire world is transforming to Healthcare Industry 4.0, where the transition is happening in a completely digital form and the need for complete automation is in process. The entire ecosystem is shifting toward Healthcare 4.0, and multiple innovations are occurring in aspects of healthcare. Various emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things, blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and cloud computing, are being implemented to make the process fully automated and see that the various services provided are improved in terms of quality and time. AI will be a powerful tool for Industry 4.0, which can be used extensively and play a significant role in unforeseen circumstances. Using this technology, complex health-related data analysis can provide the best possible treatment for the patient. Computer vision (CV) was beneficial during the pandemic, as it analyzed the symptoms using medical images like MRI reports and X-rays. Data-driven analytics encourage early disease detection and intervention while also aiding in the consolidation of institutions to deliver quicker, more accurate, and safer patient care. Data analytics in healthcare can help reduce treatment costs, foresee disease outbreaks, stop preventable illnesses, and improve patients' overall quality of care and life.