Beforehand, medical care the executive’s frameworks were especially centred on actual wellbeing and ignored the emotional wellness. With innovation that incorporate all circles of life, the advantages of innovation in medical services stay unimaginable. An individual’s feeling, internal heat level and pulse can give smart data on both psyche and body. This paper exhibits a total medical service the executive’s framework that considers both physical just as emotional wellness. IoT sensor organisation and nodemcu is utilised to gather an individual’s internal heat level and pulse and all the while put away in a data set. The paper additionally incorporates a feeling acknowledgment concept which is constructed utilising the Mini-Xception emotion detection model and convolutional neural organisation engineering to monitor the individual’s feeling. A characteristic language handling chatbot has been utilised to empower a virtual specialist for the client and assist the client with giving a fundamental analysis. The information acquired is then put away in Cloud. The result of this execution shows that perhaps the suggested framework can reduce the duty of experts, encourage them to be more aware of their physiological well-being, and, lastly, the recommended strategy will increase the availability of medical services.