Radio communication has slowly lost its importance in the communication sector for general people with the development of smartphones, but Radio Frequency (RF) correspondence assumes a crucial part for sensor hub information transmission, which normally runs on top of lightweight convention like Constrained Application (CoAP) and Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). An introduction of a cryptographic system to the process can be very efficient and provide much needed voice security. In this paper a system is proposed to implement secure voice transceiver where a system digitises the voice input using low bit rate voice encoder and then the digital voice signal is encrypted and transmitted such that it is transferred over a standard analogue voice radio signal such as an analogue telephone or a narrow band FM voice radio. The system can be implemented using Raspberry pi where on one end of the device the user plugs in the headset and on the other end an analogue telephone or a radio can be connected. Even though the sound is being digitised and encrypted using a crypto voice transceiver the user on the telephone or radio end should hear the voice as they normally would.