Worldwide, renewable energy sources are regarded the greatest alternative to fossil fuels. Solar, wind, biomass, hydro, and tidal energy are abundant in India. In India, there is a big disparity between demand and availability of electricity, and many places still lack electricity. A microgrid is a collection of renewable energy sources that can meet local energy needs. These microgrids can work with regular grids. Installing hybrid microgrid systems is the greatest way to deliver sustainable power to rural and isolated areas. A hybrid microgrid comprising PV, batteries, and a diesel engine can be used to electrify rural areas. The installed capacity of diesel generator is chosen for the essential load needs when renewable sources are unavailable. The battery capacity is chosen for the transition period between renewable energy sources or as a backup supply for diesel generators. The hybrid PSO/YYPO algorithm outperforms the conventional PSO algorithms in terms of control. In a grid-connected microgrid, distributed PV power offers enhanced voltage profile and reduced losses. For remote and grid-connected locations, microgrid systems give a technically and economically feasible alternative for reliable energy supply with decreased pollution and the potential for sustainable growth.