Technology is advancing at a tremendous velocity in today’s era of Artificial Intelligence (AI). An extreme product of this advancing technology is The Internet of Things (IoT). IoT is an ecosystem that permits a variety of systems to exchange facts and data using some kind of network without the intervention of human beings. The broader depiction of IoT is the Internet of Everything (IoE). IoE deals with processes and people as well. In Totality, IoE is an amalgamated version of Processes, People, Things and Data. IoT & IoE has made the lives of people convenient & flexible. With this dependency on developing technologies, many security and privacy concerns have emerged that needs to be tackled with some modern and SMART solutions. The reason behind this requirement is that the older solutions cannot tackle the modern issues and challenges of IoT as the security and privacy issues are also developing second by second. On the other hand, Blockchain can tackle the issues of IoT. This paper discusses the importance of blockchain and how it can be a remarkable solution for IoT problems. Additionally, this paper also focuses on the Evolution of IoT.