Wearable Health Devices (WDH), IOT, and software development are the best combinations in the modern world to detect health and fitness conditions and medical levels, providing more data to healthcare workers such as doctors, front-desk people, and surgeons. In the olden days, people measured human vitals by holding their wrists, etc., for heart rate, pulse rate, etc. But now in modern times, due to technological improvement, we measure our vitals by inventions or modern equipment. For example, the heart beat is calculated by a stethoscope, etc. These vitals are measured and manually entered into the patient database in the software product. And it’s a time-consuming process to save the vital details multiple times a day for each patient. Then, to overcome these issues, wearable devices like smart watches were invented, which contain various sensors capable of measuring various human vitals. This project (module) will collect vitals from patients and record them into the Health Score (software product) patient database. So that data will be used by either the patient or the doctor in case of any emergency or need.