The world is changing all around at 360 degrees at a very rapid pace. Industry 4.0 is transforming from automation in the manufacturing sector to the development of distribution networks for their products through data-centric and AI-assisted approaches. This has turned into a complete transformation of workforce management and their work lifecycle.

Purpose: The purpose of the study is to explore concepts and principles of workforce management in the concomitant age of information technology. The chapter further emphasizes proposing a framework that will help researchers, readers, and corporations to visualize various possible scenarios that help them to develop workforce management competencies and prepare for the future most effectively.

Methodology: Corporations are facing big challenges in upskilling and reskilling the brownfield workforce concerning new skills, competencies, and technology using hybrid strategies. Industry 4.0 in underdeveloped and developing economies is working in semiautomated mode, whereas developed nations are moving toward sophisticated automation with full use of technology. Literature and available data will be referred to in order to propose appropriate concepts, principles, and frameworks.

Outcomes: Upskilling of the brownfield workforce by using hybrid strategies will support corporations in industry 4.0 to achieve a level of green field workforce. The proposed framework in this chapter will benefit researchers and corporations to overcome the challenges and weaknesses of workforce management systems.

Originality/Value: Concepts, definitions, principles, and frameworks from this chapter will direct strategic management to leverage workforce management systems productively and effectively in industry 4.0 with the blend of technology and AI.