The chapter is built upon a two-step process called systematic literature network analysis (SLNA) that entails a systematic literature review (SLR) and a subsequent analysis of the subset of pertinent articles obtained through a bibliographic network analysis (NA): specifically, the citation network analysis, the co-occurrence network analysis, and the basic statistics.

In contrast to the bibliometric review, which provides more objective insights using quantitative and statistical data, the first qualitative evaluation is mostly focused on the researchers' judgements regarding the selection of keywords and depends on an explanatory approach.

Only a few examples of the bibliographic information analyzed by bibliometric techniques include the most significant author names, journal titles, article titles, article keywords, and publication years.

The topic of this chapter is use of artificial intelligence in area workforce management among Generation Y. From a reservoir of academic databases like Scopus, the authors have accumulated a list of publications relating to keywords which are artificial intelligence, and workforce management which was limited to the area of human resource in the field of social sciences.