In recent years, plastic waste has created a menace to the milieu and public health. Plastic waste treatment methods like incineration and landfilling can’t efficiently treat plastic waste. Thus, there is a need for advanced treatment units to reduce and manage plastic waste generated by anthropogenic activities. Plastic waste treatment has become the sustainable development goal by 2025. The current book chapter reports the sustainable plastic waste treatment technologies from the literature available and analyses the mechanisms; it proposes solutions to reduce the gaps between recent developments and industrial requirements. The technologies presented in the chapter are categorized based on plastic recycling and plastic degradation. The recycling methods of non-biodegradable plastics were divided into recycling, reuse, and recovery of resources. The plastic degradation methods were divided into oxic and anoxic biodegradation. Further, the current chapter aims to provide insights within a detailed introduction to the advanced treatment technologies for plastic treatment, enabling us to understand the status of the emergent technologies in treating plastic waste, other sustainable technologies like biodegradation, composting, etc., available for treatment, and the future scope of research to develop novel technologies was discussed.