Numerous risk factors affect how vulnerable the brain is, and neurodegenerative illnesses are quickly emerging as a major worldwide health hazard, particularly for the aging population. One of the most important lifestyle factors that might impact brain vulnerability is diet. Dietary phytochemicals are organic substances that are naturally present in fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices. They provide a range of health advantages, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective actions. Dietary phytochemicals may be helpful in neurodegenerative illnesses, according to mounting data. These substances have been demonstrated to enhance neural regeneration, decrease inflammation, and protect neurons from harm. The molecular mechanisms governing the neuroprotective effects of these dietary phytochemicals include neurotropic pathways, p53 pathway, anti-apoptotic, anti-neuro-inflammatory, NF-kB/MAPK, Nrf-2 pathways, and so on. The available evidence suggest that these compounds may have a beneficial effect on brain health and may help to delay or prevent the onset of these diseases; nevertheless, more research is still needed to fully elucidate the role of dietary phytochemicals in neurodegenerative diseases.