Chrono-nutrition can simply be referred to as time-controlled feeding in order to maximize the nutritional benefits of foods. Human nutrition is very important because we derive all we need for our growth and metabolism from foods. One approach/question is what do we eat? This is significant because “we are what we eat”. Foods, when taken appropriately, can be medicines or, otherwise, poison. Consequently, absolute care and discipline must be maintained to eat healthily. Another approach to it is the way we feed. Eating foods containing too many calories in the nighttime, shortly before going to bed, could be dangerous for our health, as many of the calories would not be used actively, resulting in glucose spikes and sometimes eventual storage as fats in the body. Accordingly, we must be intentional and also self-controlled so as to know the right time to or not to consume certain foods. This makes it easier to explore other sources of food and eat the right diet per the time. This review explores the different tactics of time-dependent feeding for human health.