A sophisticated patient–doctor modelling system that enables seamless and effective interactions between healthcare practitioners and patients has been developed as a result of the information technology sector’s rapid improvement. Sensitive patient information is made more open to unauthorised access and malevolent activity as a result of the integration of such systems, which also poses serious security difficulties. In order to address the security issues related to patient–doctor modelling systems, this research presents a unique framework called “Ubiquitous and Transparent Security: Intelligent Agent Framework for Secure Patient–Doctor Modelling Systems.” The framework makes use of intelligent agents to offer a thorough and flexible security mechanism that secures the confidentiality, availability, and integrity of patient data while maintaining system openness and usability. Instead of depending on discrete security components, the proposed framework takes a ubiquitous approach, integrating security controls into the overall patient–doctor modelling system. In order to foresee and stop possible security breaches, it emphasises the significance of proactive security measures. Intelligent agents, autonomous entities in charge of monitoring, analysing, and reacting to security risks in real-time, are outfitted with cutting-edge machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence approaches.