The concept of linking any device to the Internet and other linked devices is known as the “Internet of Things.” The Internet of Things (IoT) is a vast network of interconnected devices and people, all of which gather and exchange information about their environments and how they are used. That includes a staggering array of devices of all sizes and kinds, including self-driving automobiles with sophisticated sensors that can identify objects in their route and smart microwaves that automatically prepare our food. It also consists of wearable fitness devices that track our heart rates and daily step counts to give us individualized workout advice. Even connected footballs are now available, which use an app to record information about how far and swiftly they are thrown and use it for future practice. Computers like the Raspberry Pi are now occasionally utilized to build affordable IoT systems.

With a focus on intelligent environmental systems, this chapter seeks to further clarify the function of IoT in many aspects of daily life. This chapter will shed light on IoT device security issues as well as several IoT standards and frameworks that are currently in use.