In recent years, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have boosted the technology market and become a hot topic of research. AR/VR technology has the potential to revolutionize the traditional education system by providing interactive and immersive learning experiences that are difficult to replicate through traditional classroom or online learning. This chapter provides an overview of the potential application of AR/VR technology in education and its benefits and challenges, including its design principles, cybersecurity measures, associated risks, and future challenges. To address this, the chapter begins by providing an overview of AR/VR-based education and the benefits that it can bring to different education sectors. It then explains the significant design principles for creating an effective AR/VR-based education system. The design of the education system should consider the intended audience, technical capabilities, and accessibility, ensuring that the teaching materials are presented in an interactive, immersive, and engaging way. Furthermore, the chapter examines the security risk associated with AR/VR-based education, including data breaches, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and users’ physical risks, such as cybersickness/motion sickness, emotional or mental discomfort, and disorientation. Security measures must prioritize the protection of data, software, hardware, and student safety. Teachers should instruct and train students on the safe use of AR/VR devices and implement important security protocols to avoid any potential risks. Finally, the chapter concludes with future directions and final thoughts regarding the application of AR and VR in education and its potential to enhance the learning experience significantly compared to the traditional education system.