As wireless network usage is expanding, attempts are being made to disrupt the smooth functioning of the network. Due to power and memory constraints inherent in the Internet of Things (IoT) devices, implementing security measures becomes an even more significant challenge. There are many ways in which confidential information can be extracted from networks. IP address spoofing is one such attack. IP address spoofing is an illegal, unauthorized change of IP address. Malicious elements in the network impersonate as a genuine client by copying their IP address. As a result, attackers can intercept network communication between genuine clients. A false IP address makes it possible for the attacker to bypass existing security mechanisms, which creates severe security and confidentiality problems. This chapter proposes a method to resolve the issue by ensuring that an incoming node in a network always gets a unique IP address, thus making it difficult for the attacker to disguise itself as a genuine client and carry out the attack.