Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the major outbreak in the whole country or we can say across the globe. Till now, no vaccine has been discovered to prevent this epidemic. Quarantine and self-isolation is the only preventive option from this epidemic/pandemic. COVID-19 is spreading through human touch or by touching the things that came in contact with an infected person. This situation is very critical for those people who are staying alone, that is, elder people without their kids, working youth in different city than their home town, and quarantine people due to their travel history. Real-time monitoring of these types of people is very important. Because in this pandemic situation nobody knows that when and how anyone can get infected (due to touching the daily necessary food supply items and many more reasons are possible) and those newly infected people need medical help on an emergency basis; also authorities (medical/WHO/police) should be aware of the medical situation of quarantine people due to their travel history.