Vehicles in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network (VANET) communicate through Dedicated Short Range Communication protocol. VANET mainly consists of three entities, that is, Roadside Unit (RSU), On-Board Unit (OBU), and Trusted Authority (TA). OBUs embedded in vehicles facilitate communication with other vehicles and RSUs. TA acts as a trusted third party who helps in registration of vehicles and identifying malicious identity if any dispute happens. The different modes of communication in VANET are infrastructure-to-infrastructure (I2I), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V). VANET serves as an application of intelligent transport systems which is widely adopted domestically and abroad. VANET helps in improving driver’s safety by exchanging information related to traffic between vehicles and infrastructures. Here, we propose secured lightweight key distribution scheme for VANET using Elliptic Curve Diffie- Hellman (EC-DH). The proposed scheme prevents eavesdropping of the messages between the TA and the vehicle in a VANET. The informal security analysis on the proposed scheme shows the same. The simulation results in the AVISPA show that the proposed scheme makes it difficult for the intruder to eavesdrop on the messages.