Zein is an edible, biodegradable prolamine corn protein. It is a promising polymer, which has potential applications in different fields. Zein has low water solubility and higher barrier properties. Zein has many applications in industries including coating, textiles, plastics, adhesives, etc., due to the insolubility of zeins in water. Zein has huge application in biomedical field also. It helps to support growing cells and delivery drugs. This review covers synthesis, characterization, and modification of zein and zein-based composites for various applications. There are many methods used for zein characterization that includes nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy NMR, DLS dynamic light scattering, MALDI-TOFF, STD, etc. Spongelike structure scaffolds on zein with enough thickness and porosity helps it to be used in tissue engineering applications. The aim of the review is to make a comprehensive analysis of the synthesis, characterization, and application of zein and its composites. The current trends in research work and future directions are also described.