Workplace incivility has been treated as a lenient and subjugated form of workplace bullying or aggression and has lacked potent action required to curb it in the organizational field. However, the research backing it has systematically and consistently emphasized on the significance of the same on both the productivity and the health of the employees. Workplace incivility not only impacts the employees, but the organization as a whole, leading to gross loss and corporate lawsuits. The psychological health of the workers suffers leading to poor job satisfaction and low work commitment. Post-COVID literature has brought to light an increase in incidents of incivility in workplaces, fueled by the uncertain nature of the situation. The technological advancements do not help either by providing instant communication and open channels, keeping the employees open to workplace environment at all times. However, the studies in the same domain remain scattered, and lack a proper model for the circumstances. This chapter is an attempt at formulating the same by preparing a systematic review of significant and recent studies and figuring out the antecedents and relational outcomes of Workplace incivility.