‘Work and Life’ are two important aspects of everyday life which sometimes go together with equal sharing, sometimes overlap, and sometimes interfere or create hindrance in each other. The notion is whether they ally or enemies! This debate is not new, but the COVID pandemic era has added new dimensions in this debate. The term ‘work from home’ is the most popular one these days. After the emergence of global health emergencies due to COVID, a dramatic change is being experienced in the traditional way of work life balance. This ‘new normal’ era has come up with lots of opportunities and challenges as well! Now when we are learning to live with COVID and at the same time we are also supposed to learn new work-life balance strategies in order to gain the goal of overall well-being including mental peace and quality of life. Major challenges perceived during COVID were loss of job, loss of near and dear ones, financial insecurity, anxiety for future, health concerns, stressful environment, excessive work hours, low-income jobs and many more. The situations became more problematic during lockdown due to the restricted movement, lack of personal space, non-cooperation from family members, faulty communication patterns, unhealthy family relations, perceived biased behavior of colleagues, unrealistic expectations, etc. Now the need is to identify the 192ineffective strategies and replace them with the effective strategies. The effective strategies include healthy relationships, tonic habits, assertive communication styles, mindfulness, mental health, practicing strategies for enhancing psychological well-being, etc.