The coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19) flare-up has universally disturbed daily routine. Amid this outbreak, individuals worldwide were anticipated to come across mental health challenges. In specific, internet addiction may have ended up as a genuine issue among all the populace and especially for red collar employees. However, very few studies have been conducted on internet addiction among red collar employees during COVID-19 so, this study aimed to examine the effect of group therapies (ART and self-management training (SMT)) for reducing internet addiction among Red Collar male and female employees after the pandemic. For this purpose, a total of 200 respondents from different in Uttarakhand were contacted and selected using Quota Sampling, who were further equally divided into males and females randomly into equal groups exposed to different types of group therapy. Internet addiction test (IAT) constructed by Young et al. (1998) was used to measure Internet Addiction of the adults. 212A 2×2×2 factorial mixed design was utilized to conceptualize the study and analyze the gotten information. After information collection, pre-test, and post-test of ART and SMT were analyzed by utilizing SPSS.20 software. The gotten information were analyzed utilizing Implies, SD, and ANOVAs. Internet addiction was found high among red collar employees after the pandemic (pre-test). The post-test results have suggested that SMT was found to be a better technique for reducing Internet Addiction red collar employees. Females were found to report more internet addiction than males. Results from this study can be used to help mental health organizations and educational agencies design programs that will help p Internet addiction prevent in young employees after COVID-19 pandemic.