It is expected that 68% of the world’s population, over six billion people, will live in megacities and surrounding regions by 2050. A growing population requires the development of an infrastructure and the necessary facilities. Ineffective resource management leads to wasted energy and not meeting sustainability demands in the environment. The utilization of materials for facility management, like water supply and power supplies, do not satisfy the present requirements of sustainability. An increase in the infrastructure of smart cities has raised the demand for integrated facility management systems in residences. It is the responsibility of the individuals to save resources such as energy and water through proper planning and management. Smart materials and intelligent systems play a vital role in improving lifestyles by saving resources without wasting energy. With the help of smart sensor systems and Al-based technologies, it is possible to monitor and control the devices that we use in our day-to-day lives so that facilities and resources can be managed efficiently without wastage. This chapter proposes a framework for an intelligent facility management system for self-sustainable homes in smart cities by integrating building information modeling (BIM), artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and big-data analytics (BDA).