Nanotechnology holds immense promise in revolutionizing modern agriculture by providing solutions to the challenges faced by farmers. The application of nanotechnology has facilitated precision agriculture through extensive research, which has led to improvements in agricultural yield. The traditional use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers has resulted in the depletion of soil biodiversity and the development of resistance to pathogens and pests. However, nanotechnology can be applied in all areas of agricultural production i.e., from processing to transportation. Innovative techniques, such as precision farming, controlled release of agrochemicals, and site-specific delivery of macromolecules, can significantly enhance plant growth, nutrient utilization, and plant resistance to diseases and pests. The development of nanoencapsulated fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides can ensure the precise dosing of plants. Moreover, the use of nanotechnology-based plant viral disease detection kits can detect viral diseases quickly and efficiently. These modern nanotechnology-based tools and techniques can significantly benefit the food industry and the agriculture sector, as they can effectively address several conventional agriculture issues.