The advent of nanotechnology has enabled scientists to devise strategies for the preparation of smart fertilizers that can not only improve the growth and productivity of plants, but also protect the plants from the adverse effects of abiotic and biotic stresses. Development of nanocomposites have been attempted to ensure the supply of essential nutrients to the plants by improving the soil fertility. This has been attempted through the deployment of nanoparticle-based smart delivery systems. Among the abiotic stresses, heavy metal stress has been known to significantly effect plant performance, thereby impacting the yield. In this connection, carbon-based nano-adsorbents (carbon nanotubes, carbon nanoparticles and graphene) and metal-based nano-adsorbents (magnetic nanoparticles) are the two primary categories of nano-adsorbents that can be used for nullifying the effect of heavy metals present in soil. Therefore, these nano-adsorbents can be used to treat polluted soils under in-situ or ex-situ conditions, thereby improving soil health and fertility. This chapter presents the application of environment-friendly nanomaterials to reduce heavy metal toxicity in the soil.