A well-known and documented carbon allotrope, “graphene,” has a hexagonal carbon arrangement in the route framework. Graphene also has an unusual behavior not really identical to the conductor or insulator, which would be the energy band with a “Dirac cone” having a zero band gap value. Graphene has a typical behavior of very high mechanical strength as well as remarkably transparent with very high electrical and thermal conductivity. After the breakthrough of the single atomic thick graphene, the graphene-hybridized semiconductor scientific field has grown well over the last decade, with great results and feasible aspects of life for the future. The graphene-derived semiconductor photocatalysis has a wide range of applications in scientific fields, from energy generation to storage, including environmental cleanup, electronic equipment, and also in the desalinization of ocean water. Graphene-centered nanocomposite formulation has indeed attracted specific attention in applied science research work. The need for more drinkable water for countless millions of thirsty people could also be mitigated in the future with graphene-customized 2technological advances. For this whole purpose, the water desalination of seawater and the decontamination of wastewater have been examined conspicuously with a sound result. Again, the manufacturing of H2 energy with water, graphene-derived photocatalysts, has been used extensively until now. The existence of graphene shows a significant improvement in the material’s specific surface area and contributes to the enhanced corrosion protection and conductivity applications without sacrificing the characteristics or composition of the material. This new strategy creates a new way to easy manufacturing of sophisticated surface coatings that can be used to develop thermal exchangers and biocompatible materials. This chapter is predicated mostly on the literature review and discussion of recent graphene-derived semiconductor implementations and advancements. The numerous graphene-based photocatalytic synthesis procedures are briefly at the end elaborated with the advantages and disadvantages. The innumerable applications of graphene-derived architectures were then rigorously assessed, including those of organic/inorganic water contamination degradation/mineralization, H2/O2 evolution by water photosplitting, energy storage application, coating applications, and so forth. Furthermore, the analysis discusses the future of graphene technology and its impoverishment in an exact manner such that a marvelous graphene technology could be accomplished in the immediate future.