A connected automatic healthcare system can play a major role in enabling patients to access and track their health data and permit for flawless communication with the providers of healthcare. The applications of IoT devices in the healthcare business facilitate doctors in observing patient activities and advanced treatment and give suggestions regarding patient’s health with the decision tools and automation technologies. With the employment of this automatic technology, there are incomparable benefits that may improve the standard and potency of treatments and consequently improve the health of the patients with reduced cost. As the range of patients is increasing day by day, the healthcare business plays a crucial part in the generation of massive amounts of data. The amount of data is continually growing, and that comes from numerous sources; managing this information is extremely critical. Moreover, it is very challenging to retrieve this information and for further investigation. Big data analytics (BDA) is an alternative approach to healthcare systems that must estimate the affordable time for making sensible discretions organizing 2future views, and maximizing value. The analyzed information helps physicians to create choices for patients. In fact, healthcare BDA has the ability to lower treatment costs, predict epidemic outbreaks, avert preventable diseases, and improve people’s overall quality of life. This chapter examines the need for IoT in the healthcare business, data analysis, and BDA. Investigations into various sorts of existing big IoT data analytics, as well as the relationship between IoT and data analytics in the healthcare industry, are also explained. The chapter also focuses on open challenges faced in the real-time implementation of connected healthcare and BDA.