Plants and their different products obtained through biotechnological approaches are inevitable for life necessities. The advent of different types of varieties, cultivars, or the production of other hormones on a commercial level by applying novel techniques do require the protection of property rights as well as biosafety of procedures keeping humanity secure and safe. Biosafety is the most pivotal; otherwise, if all biotechnological processes are left open may cause loss at the individual level or massive catastrophe due to sudden bio-war through terrorist activities. The safety, security, and proper replication without any accidental or incidental mutation is a prerequisite of the biosafety of biotechnological products. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) and intellectual property protection (IPP) are the next two phases of the safety and security of any biotechnological invention and discoveries. The IPR and IPP provide a fundamental right of protection of novel ideas, neo procedure, products, and then their commercial propagation without any fear of piracy loss and also unnecessary indulging of persons or/and corporates in litigations. So, it is clear 2from the above that patent registration, copyright protection, and licensing of some procedures are always protected and safe under the umbrella of IPR and IPP, complementing the theme and spirit of biosafety of biological techniques all around the globe for betterment and welfare of humanity as general rule and principle. The safe and food security, in conjunction with other life necessities and accessories of life is only secured when all biotechnological and novel ideas, inventions, and products are properly documented and regulated, which is being fulfilled in letter and spirit by biosafety rules, IPR, and IPP promulgated in each country and generally protected by world international protection organization (WIPO) and other sub-bodies of UNO.