Humans have used microorganisms for many works such as food production, used in environments for a stable nature by enhancing the plants and crops in their areas. These microorganisms need to be altered so that these microorganisms would be susceptible to a particular situation. So, microbiologists and scientists discovered a sure way to alter the enzymes and genes in these Microorganisms. Thus, the term genetically engineered microorganisms (GEMs) come into life. The scientists took over hundreds of years after the discovery of human DNA. They started to improve the use of microorganisms by using several techniques to genetically alter them to make them more efficient in especially food production. The modification has been prepared to the hereditary makeup of the microorganisms to either create a new form of protein or a new food product in food processing to improve or enhance the existing protein/enzyme. Some techniques involve mutagenesis and interspecies hybridization to change 126the genomic makeup of the microorganisms. Many achievements have been made due to this technique in molecular biology and biochemistry over the past few years.