Recombinant DNA technology was only a theory a century ago when it came to improving desired traits in live organisms by regulating the expression of target genes. However, in more recent times, this domain has proven to have significant effects in advancing human existence. Scientists utilize rDNA technology for a variety of objectives due to its broad range of uses, but there are several hazards involved in doing so. Recombinant technology may negatively impact the environment, human health, and animals, either explicitly or implicitly, based on a study of significant findings. Additionally, the increased use of this technology has raised safety issues including gene pollution of the environment resulting 184in superweeds and antibiotic-resistant microbes. Increased use of genetically modified foods has been linked to a number of health problems in both humans and animals, including toxicity, antinutritional effects, allergenicity, and carcinogenicity. Due to the potential for harm to both the environment and human life, several safety precautions must be taken when utilizing this technology. This chapter describes in great depth a few negative consequences of recombinant DNA technology.