Plants of Solanum genus belong to family Solanaceae, usually cultivated in tropical and subtropical agro-climatic zones. The herb associated with Solanaceae family contains different therapeutic and control of vector-borne diseases. They are medicinally used in fever, tonsillitis, hepatoprotection, pneumonia, toothache, stomach pain, inflammation, dysentery, tuberculosis, skin disease, and as laxative and tonic. Traditionally, they are also used in cancer therapy, jaundice, malarial fever, and joint pain. Almost various plant parts are useful; however, ripened berries of some plants contain the toxic glycol alkaloidsolanine. There are a number of bioactive phytochemicals, including alkaloids, phenolics, saponins, glycoproteins, and steroidal derivatives, found in the berries or fruit of S. nigrum, one of the important species of the Solanum genus. The alkaloid extracted from the various species inhibited the tumour cells. The glycoprotein of the herb has anticancer properties by blocking the antiapoptotic pathway. Alpha-solanine of the plant inhibits proliferation of tumour cells. Seeds extract of S. nigrum was observed effective against mosquito vector Anopheles stephensi. This current chapter aims to evaluate the antimalarial and other properties of some important herbs belonging to Solanum genus.