Stachytarpheta spp. belong to the family Verbenaceae, commonly known as ‘porter weed’, ‘Gervao’, and are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is one of the important plants with high therapeutic and nutraceutical benefits. It is valued ethnomedicinally for its different species that cure several diseases. The antimalarial activity of the plant is reported from different parts of the world. Phytochemical analysis of the various species of the plant revealed the presence of a variety of bioactive compounds, including ipolamiide, scutellarin, verbascoside, spinasterols, acetoside, triterpenes, etc. The objective of this book chapter is to collect information concerning the botanical description, distribution, phytochemical compositions, antimalarial activity, and traditional usage of Stachytarpheta spp. It emphasizes the understanding of bioactive constituents that would be useful in antimalarial and other pharmacological activity along with acknowledging the traditional medicinal uses.