Industrial engineering has recently undergone major improvements thanks to the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Industries are focusing on increasing product consistency, productivity, and reducing operating expenses in the hopes of achieving these goals by combining human and mechanical work. Smart industries have densely networked manufacturing process that require a number of gadgets to communicate using IOT and AI factory automation by recording and comprehending all file formats. The adoption of sophisticated automation technology can also have a significant impact on modern manufacturing. When making decisions, AI provides pertinent information and alerts users to probable mistakes. In future, industries are expected to leverage AI to analyse information transferred from those sensors in order to analysed the data received through sensors. This analysis will facilitate the integration of embedded technology and interconnected machines into their equipment. It enables companies to fully monitor all of their end-to-end activities and processes. This study, which is based on a survey, attempts to summarize the crucial role of IOT and AI in the implementation of industrial engineering. The research objectives are therefore designed to assist in this chapter’s accessibility to researchers, practitioners, students, and business professionals. It starts out by considering the key technological aspects and characteristics of IOT and AI that are essential for industrial engineering. Next, the deployment of IOT and AI for industrial engineering is enabled by substantial achievements and a variety of hurdles, which are both identified in this study.