The advancement of smart city solutions, which seek to improve the resident’s quality of life while minimizing waste and consumption across domains and functions, is a result of growing urbanization and digitalization. The numerous facets of smart city solutions are examined in this chapter, including smart parking, smart utility meters, green computing, and data analytics for smart cities. The chapter also introduces the idea of citizen data scientists and outlines how organizations might enable them to participate in data-driven decision-making.

For citizen data scientists to properly analyse data and derive valuable insights, the chapter stresses the significance of a data-driven culture, executive support, and the right tools and training. The IoT, machine learning, and data analytics are examples of cutting-edge technology that must be used to create efficient, ecologically friendly cities for people.

This chapter also explores the difficulties organizations encounter when trying to elevate citizen data scientists and how these difficulties can be tackled by upskilling employees, fostering a data democracy, and offering user-friendly, potent, and scalable data analytics platforms.