Nation-building has been a part of the functioning of the government of all countries. Enabling the states in a country or region to improve the quality of life is a visible sign of the growth of that area. The empowerment of various wings of development for a nation includes infrastructure, education, defense, healthcare, trade, and law. “Empowering” here refers to the socio-economic well-being of the natives of the city. The United Nations (UN) has proposed an agenda for a globally aware model for sustainable development and empowering states for capacity building. The holistic view of the development hails from the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the green economy as the NEW URBAN Agenda. Such an idea of transforming urban habitats to sustainable versions is the motivation for green computing being introduced to the domain. Capacity building for the population in nation-building and socio-economic growth requires a strong force to accelerate the implementation of the smart city. In this era of expeditious technological advancements, ideas of sustainability-driven green economies more easily accompany a technology-led smart city project. This chapter includes the dimensions of growth that can be technically analyzed in smart city projects.