One of the biggest global problems is Diabetes which is rapidly increasing day by day. On the other side measurement of blood glucose level constantly is a challenging task. The invasive procedure is one of the conventional methods which involve pricking of blood with lancet which is uncomfortable. In order to overcome this problem a solution is proposed using IOT based architecture. In this paper a design of a wearable device for glucose monitoring system is done. This IOT system architecture design involves a sensor device which is connected to the backend system and this represents real time glucose level of a patient. This monitoring of glucose level can of two types: Continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) and Non-invasive glucose monitoring (NGM). This proposed method involves the detection of glucose level using GSR sensor which gives galvanic skin response and this system is more efficient for blood glucose monitoring from patient sweat. This glucose level obtained from patient sweat will be furthermore communicated to the Wi-Fi controller for storing in the cloud and further analysing the data and to monitor it at regular intervals. The insulin injector pump will be activated if the glucose level reaches critical stage and this insulin will be injected to the patient automatically. The insulin stock can be monitored by using ultrasound sensor and information can be sent and vice versa. The need of usage of the recent technologies is for perpetual observance of patient health against chronic disease.